Olympian of Yourself
The power of mindset and visualization can be used to achieve personal excellence. There are parallels between Olympic athletes and everyday challenges. Mental training, focus, and support systems are important, exemplified by athletes like Michael Phelps and Simone Biles. Use these visualization techniques and mindset to lead to success, whether in sports, business, or personal life.
Be An Olympian of Yourself
In the realm of personal and professional growth, the concept of being an “Olympian of yourself” is an empowering metaphor. Olympic athletes epitomize dedication, focus, and the power of visualization—traits that can be harnessed by anyone striving for excellence. By adopting an Olympian mindset, you can achieve remarkable results in your own life.
Mental Training
Olympians like Michael Phelps and Simone Biles showcase the incredible impact of mental training. Phelps, for instance, relied heavily on visualization techniques, imagining every stroke and turn in the pool preparing for every possible scenario, including those that could go wrong. This mental preparation proved invaluable during the 2008 Beijing Olympics when water filled his goggles, and he had to rely on his mental rehearsal to win the gold.
Similarly, Biles faced significant mental challenges when she experienced “the twisties,” a disorienting condition that affects gymnasts. Her journey back to the top involved extensive mental training, therapy, and reconnection of mind and body. Her story highlights the importance of a strong support system, which includes coaches, psychologists, and mental health professionals.
The principles that guide these athletes can be applied to everyday life. Visualization, for instance, can help you achieve your goals by allowing you to mentally rehearse and prepare for various outcomes. Visualization can enhance your performance and increase your confidence, whether you are preparing for a business presentation, a personal challenge, or a significant life event.
Mindfulness is another crucial element. Being present and fully engaged at the moment, as Eckhart Tolle describes in “The Power of Now,” allows you to perform at your best, whether you’re eating, exercising, or spending time with loved ones. Mindfulness helps you to enjoy the process and stay focused on your goals.
Support Systems
Support systems are vital for success. Just as athletes rely on coaches and teammates, you should seek mentors, colleagues, and friends who can offer guidance and encouragement. Building a network of supportive individuals can provide the motivation and accountability needed to stay on track.
Incorporating these strategies into your daily routine can significantly improve your personal and professional life. You can overcome challenges and achieve your goals by visualizing success, practicing mindfulness, and relying on a strong support system. Embrace the mindset of an Olympian, and remember that excellence is within your reach.
- Tolle, Eckhart. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. New World Library, 1999.
- Phelps, Michael, and Alan Abrahamson. No Limits: The Will to Succeed. Free Press, 2008.
- Biles, Simone, and Michelle Burford. Courage to Soar: A Body in Motion, A Life in Balance. Zondervan, 2016.
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend the Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device for listening. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
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Be an Olympian of Yourself Video
Transcript of Be An Olympian of Yourself
Greetings greetings, greetings, greetings, and welcome to Heal Talk Tuesday.
This is Liza.
It’s so good to be here with you, isn’t it?
Well, I hope you are doing amazing.
It’s amazing in being present with everything that is happening.
One of the things that I have heard is stress
and worry is something that you constantly
strive for.
You look forward in the future and are not present because being present is where you
come to enjoy or be present with your
feelings, your thoughts, and everything else.
Today we’re going to be talking about something
which is a mindset, the emotional mindset
and the emotions and how to regulate it and truly be an Olympian of yourself.
But also, talking about not only Simon Bell,
Simon Bell, Michael Phelps, and yesterday
if you have been watching the Olympics, the
American men’s gymnast, they got the bronze.
It was just the last person’s Stephen by getting up there, on the vault.
And if you watched him the entire thing, you
would see that this entire thing that the
team was competing and everything.
He was sitting in a corner with his eyes closed.
It’s not that he was not cheering on his
team, but he was doing something we’re going to be talking about.
It’s called mindset visualization and in
closing today, I’m going to do a small little visualization for you.
So let’s delve into the Olympics and explore what it takes to be an Olympian.
If my eyes seem a little bit different is because my eyes are dilated and I just came
from my doctor’s office that they had to check my eyes because I had some dry eye.
And before that, they were checking my blood pressure.
And I’m going to post my blood pressure online after this.
It was 78 over it is, what was it?
79 over 48, which is quite low.
The reason I’m saying about the Olympian
mindset is exactly this, not only mindset, but a visualization.
So after they dilated my eyes, I went and sat
for 10 minutes waiting for the ophthalmologist a great doctor to see me.
While I’m sitting there the entire time I’m visualizing my blood pressure going up, my
blood pressure rising.
And the number that I wanted is my regular number, which I’m going to reveal later.
So everything comes from the mind, right?
While many of us are glued to the TV, there
are people who really don’t care about what’s happening at the Olympics.
So this mirrors life in general because we don’t
engage with something until we have an interest in.
Or we don’t think about anyone having a
hardship and being in the hospital or even the
children’s hospital until if you have a child and you’ve been into the children’s
hospital or something like that.
You don’t think about an auto accident unless you had an auto accident.
Now let’s reverse this.
When you want to buy a car, when you want to
travel somewhere, you don’t start thinking
about planning it until you decide I want to go on a vacation.
So everything starting in the mindset is also
knowing how to create it, how to dissolve it.
So we can adapt this mindset in our lives and
you can do the same thing by striving personal.
Excellence, by embracing the challenges with
what tenacity, determination and focused attention.
Our athletes have been working years and years for exactly this.
So the similarities are very much the same
because all the athletes not only having the mindset, they practice visualization.
They also have a sports psychologist, especially the Olympians.
Not only they have a coach, they have their trainers, they have a sports psychologist.
So the psychologist, the sports psychologist,
is very similar to a hypnotherapist because
we work with the mindset, we work with the
subconscious, we work with focused attention and visualization.
Because everything that it is created, not only in
the mindset, it is what is it that I want to achieve.
And then how do I step into achieving it and
then how do I embody it by embracing it in
order to evolve in order for me to achieve the set goal that I want.
So it’s personal, they help them with personal goals and challenges.
And my question to you is, what are the biggest
challenges that you face in your personal
or professional life and how do you usually
either write it, strategize it or cope with them?
So have you ever tried a mental technique
with visualization that took you from here to
there? Most business people create a business
plan, then the strategy of how much, what is
it that they want to do, what is it that they
want to achieve, and then they break it down.
I’ve had people break it down in four quadrants.
I’ve seen that strategy.
I’ve seen people break it down to like every hour.
There’s people who break it down, they’re calendar
to every 15 minutes, like in every 15 minutes,
what am I supposed to do, what is it that I want to accomplish?
So the next one is the mindset and the motivation.
That motivates you to keep pushing forward, to create and do the same thing.
Eckhart Tolle, in the book of now, talks about
being present and truly enjoying what it is that you are doing.
What is the mindset of being mindful when you
eat, being mindful when you’re exercising,
being mindful when you’re making love instead
of thinking about everything else, truly
be present and enjoy this passionate moment,
or whatever it is that you want to call it,
it can be a few moments, it can be an hour, said the entire thing is being present with
yourself, with your partner, with what you are doing.
So who do you rely on to support you in this?
Because when it comes to business, people have
their CPA, they have their support system,
they have their managers, everything, but when we are by ourselves, what do we do?
We journal, we do a lot of things.
So how important is having a support system?
Today I responded something on Facebook, and
there was a quote or a statement that for every woman who wants to achieve, there is
a group of other women there to support her.
And I said, not necessarily, because not
every woman is there to support another woman.
Believe me, working with women, helping with
women with their confidence and well-being
and health and wellness, there’s a lot of
women who come over here and they say, “I feel alone.
I feel I have no one to talk to, I feel overwhelmed,
I feel overweight, I feel unappreciated, maybe even undervalued.”
So it’s not always that we have a support system, but an Olympian, from the day that
they decide to go into Olympics, this is what
they become and they have the entire support system.
I want to share something.
Everybody in the world knows who Michael Phelps is.
Of course, the most decorated Olympian of all
times with 23 gold medals in the swimming, right?
Because this week in Olympics, Leon Marchand beat Michael Phelps’s gold record.
But the power of visualization comes from the
time that Michael Phelps decided he wanted
to go into the Olympics and he started training
with his coach, Bob Bowman, who also was hired
to help the French, Leon Marchand get the gold and beat the record.
So he used visualization technique all the time.
I want you to understand the dedication.
Six days a week, six to seven hours a day,
swimming, the same thing, doing the same thing over and over and over.
And approximately one to two hours of visualizing
his entire swim to a way that he would visualize every stroke, every turn, every
possible scenario of what could happen, including
the things that could go wrong, being prepared.
This is how much of a training he would do, not only to the hour, to the minute, to the
second, to the millisecond, because that’s what
it takes for an Olympian to touch the wall.
Millie seconds.
So in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Michael
Phelps as he dove in and he went underwater for
whatever reason, water went into his goggles
and he could hardly see through his goggles.
But he relied on his subconscious, the programming
that he had done, plus his visualization,
plus knowing exactly what he was supposed to
do and something that could have been truly
It’s no one knew about it.
He came through, he swam the entire distance,
virtually, blindly, and still got the gold.
So what does it take to be a champion?
Like Michael, like even Tiger Woods, that for
the first five years of him hitting record
and doing all the championships that he got?
He, his caddy, was his hypnotist and that’s exactly what they used to do.
He, his coach, his caddy, driving in the entire time as they were driving, his eyes.
Would close his eyes, and visualize his next move, next stroke, next move.
Going the way his body would move and everything,
everything was visualized to the point.
So when we want to talk about what does it take to
succeed, it’s the same thing with some Simone Miles.
What she is doing is absolutely incredible.
I know I was glued over the weekend watching
her and today in the gymnastics, I hope,
I don’t know if there’s any other woman that
can do the mastering of the difficulties that she is doing.
And if there are more power to them because it’s not only the Americans, it’s every
single athlete.
It takes a lot of dedication.
It takes a lot of dedication to be whatever it is that you choose to be.
Few years ago, she stopped from competing
because she had this thing called the twisties.
And what is the twisties that means when she
was doing the twist, her body and her mind were not connecting at that moment.
So she felt out of balance in doing her twists and her flips.
Now it’s something that happens in the mind and the body responds to it.
Re-sponsored it.
So it is a re-responsive.
What I like to call it is the reconnection and that’s exactly what they did.
Reconnecting the mind and the body together.
So for years, she’s done her visualization, worked
with not only a mindset coach, a psychologist
and that worked, and a lot of her visualization and saying, “You know what?
I want to do this again.”
After years of therapy and finding the joy within
her that it was not so much the competition,
it’s the joy of what she is doing.
She got married, she had more joy, she felt light, she felt more in flow and said, “I
want to do this one more time because of her
age to finish with a legacy that I did my past instead of regretting what if.”
So if there was something that you really
want to do, having this aptitude and attitude,
because it’s just one word, one decision and one choice to what is it that we want.
Do I want to stay here or am I willing to make one choice and do something else?
Two days ago, I had lunch with someone and
it was just a networking so we got together.
It was coffee lunch.
After our business talk, as we were discussing
personal, his girlfriend joined and the three of us were talking.
You know what he said?
He said, “I used to be a drunk.
I used to binge drink.
It was, I would come back from work and sit and do nothing but empty a six pack.
I would binge drink until one day it got so bad
that I couldn’t even recognize myself in the mirror.
I was angry, I was resentful.
When I was at work, I was not a happy person.
I didn’t even know who I was.”
When I made a choice, I wanted to be the
success that my future wife is going to be proud of.
And he said, from that moment, it’s as if
something shifted in me and I stopped at drinking.
So he not only stopped drinking, he went to therapy, he went to drink.
He went to couples therapy, which is girlfriend.
He went and did everything, studied reading.
And he said, “I started practicing this self-awareness and mindfulness.”
From an athlete, from someone who wants to
change a negative habit to something better,
from working with women, from menopause, from
pain to taking them from pain, feeling powerless,
anxious, insecure, and a negative response to who this self-conscious is a exact way
because she was laughing in the light that she felt some of the light.
So my personal perspective is not.
It’s nothing new.
It’s a testament to the power of mental and
emotional strength in achieving her desired goal.
Myself, in that 10 minutes I was sitting at the doctor’s office by visualizing my blood
pressure to go up.
From 78 over 48 to 88 over 56.
So I literally brought my blood pressure higher, approximately 8 to 9 degrees.
If I can do it, I can also teach you how to do it.
In the same thing goes for business and
personal life, professional life, and knowing.
If I can hypnotize myself and have a root canal with absolutely no anesthesia, we can
also create the same thing not only in our
sports focused attention, but also achieving
everything else, taking the bar exam, security
exam, and even if you haven’t passed it before,
finding where the block is, turning the block
into a curtain, pulling the curtain, seeing
it, releasing it, and going and mailing it.
So I have clients overcome their mental blocks,
manage their stress, and enhance their focus.
I can help you too.
So if you have experienced either working with
me or have had mindfulness, achieved something.
In sports, or any of this, my own means please share your stories as well.
Hi, how are you?
Please share your stories.
I love to hear success stories or not success
stories and see how I can be of help to you,
because that’s my intention, because hypnotherapy
and mental training are so, so similar.
It’s performance.
It’s becoming better.
So here’s what I would like to do.
If you could sit back just a moment.
Take a nice deep breath and bring your attention to this present.
You can keep your eyes open or closed.
It doesn’t matter.
You can see then hold for 3, 2, 1 and exhale.
One more time.
Nice deep breath.
And exhale.
If you close your eyes for just a moment and
allow your eyes to rest and become aware of
everything that surrounds you and everything within you.
Having aware of your breath, your heartbeak,
even your pulsation, while everything else is happening around you sounds.
And as you breathe in and I’ll just become one as to how your body is moving, how your
chest rises, your stomach expands, contracts,
and just give yourself a moment of allowing
as if dropping, releasing tension for just a moment.
Yeah, you can let it go and drop it into the
chair you’re sitting on a couch, on a seat, and just allow all the worries, doubts,
tension, stress, anxiety, whatever it is you’ve been paying for just this moment.
If you could just allow it to drop lower down and let it go into the seat, from the
seat all the way down to the ground.
And as you breathe in, bringing oxygen and
vitality into your body, swallowing your saliva,
bringing that oxygen and allowing it to go
all the way into your lungs, into your heart.
And without you realizing day in, day out, every day, every hour, every minute, every
second, every millisecond, when you breathe in, you swallow your saliva, an oxygen that
comes in, travels throughout your body all the
way to the tip of each and every one of your.
Toes and then all the way travels back.
That’s right.
And just give yourself this moment of complete
acceptance, no matter where you are good, bad,
right, wrong, feeling angry, feeling sad,
feeling hopeful, feeling joy, and just observe
this moment.
And while every thought, every idea, every
concept, every image that comes into your mind,
even colors and shapes, let it come and go.
That’s it.
It’s all good.
Just allow all of that to come in and go.
That’s it.
And visualize yourself performing, creating,
doing whatever it is that you want to do,
no matter where you are, no matter what you are doing.
Some visualize a code, others visualize, success.
You can even visualize if it is your home, the quietness of the home, or the sounds of
the home, inside the house.
Some sounds are so pleasing, other sounds.
You want to close your ears.
So no matter what it is that you are feeling,
hearing, sensing, smelling, even connecting
to, tasting, just be one with thought.
And at this very moment, if you were to
choose to change one thing, what would it be?
That early, if you could change one thing, just for this moment,
just for this hour, just for today, what would you change?
And choose that one thing.
And if you can focus on it and give it the energy of more love and kindness.
And keep that thought, that feeling throughout
your day, through the next moment, through the next hour, or all day.
And just that thought on that word, or even that sensation, bank it in, imprint it.
And if it is a word of kindness towards
yourself, self-appreciation, self-acceptance, and
saying, this is what I am stepping into, this
is what I am banking in, just be one with it.
And then take another nice deep breath and say, I do.
Say the words, I do, I choose, I matter.
You see, it is not always about wanting to achieve.
It is realizing that this very moment, even
if it was for a millisecond, you did achieve.
And for that, congratulate yourself and say thank you to you, thank you to yourself
for giving this permission to make it happen.
You need the Olympian for yourself.
If they can achieve it, then you can achieve it.
If I can achieve it, then you can achieve it.
And if there is anything I can be of help to you by all means, reach out, share your
story, send me a message and you know what, cheer on others who are achieving it.
And remember, when we do it for others, when
we feel good, because that excitement is a boomerang.
And by all means, subscribe, share, like and thank you.
Thank you for being part of Hugh Park Tuesday.
And today, I want you to celebrate not only
the Olympians of this country, but every single
athlete that does everything in their power to make it on that stage, on that platform,
and realize that every single day of you being
here, you are on this platform called Mother
Earth, called Life, called I Am, and I Matter.
So until next week, I bid you goodbye and God
bless you and made a universal light surround you always.
See you next week.
Thank you for being here.
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See you next time.
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