Overcoming Grouchiness: Practical Tips and the Power of Hypnotherapy
Grouchiness – We all have days when we feel irritable or “grouchy.” Often, this mood stems from a lack of sleep, stress, hunger, or even hormonal imbalances. However, understanding the reasons behind grouchiness can help us address and manage it. Let’s explore these causes and get practical solutions, including how hypnotherapy can play a vital role in improving your mood.
If you resonate with today’s message, it may be time to recognize your triggers and take control of your mood!
Let’s connect.
Grouchiness is more than just a bad mood—it’s a signal that something is off, whether it’s physical, emotional, or environmental.
The Importance of Sleep
One major cause of grouchiness is sleep deprivation. When your brain doesn’t get enough rest, it struggles to regulate emotions, leaving you feeling irritable. To combat this, try going to bed an hour earlier and turning off electronic devices to create a peaceful pre-sleep environment.
Managing Stress
Stress often triggers irritability. Whether it’s due to feeling overwhelmed or trying to juggle multiple tasks, high-stress levels can lead to grouchiness. Practicing mindfulness, taking short breathing breaks, and learning stress management techniques can help ease the tension. We recommend listening to Stress No More.
Nourishing Your Body
Hunger and dehydration also affect mood. A drop in blood sugar or lack of proper nourishment can make anyone irritable. Ensure you hydrate well and eat balanced meals to maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.
Hormonal and Emotional Causes
Hormonal fluctuations during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause can also affect mood, leading to irritability. Additionally, unresolved emotional issues and chronic pain can manifest as grouchiness. Identifying these triggers is key to managing your emotions effectively.
How Hypnotherapy Can Help Grouchiness
Hypnotherapy offers a powerful way to address the emotional and physical roots of grouchiness. By promoting relaxation and rewiring negative thought patterns, hypnotherapy can help you gain better control over your mood, reducing irritability and promoting a more balanced emotional state.
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend the Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device for listening. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
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Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.
Overcoming Grouchiness Video
Transcript of Overcoming Grouchiness
Greetings greetings greetings and welcome to Heal Talk Tuesdays. This is Liza.
It’s so good to be here with you, isn’t it?
Wow, today we’re going to be talking about
something that I usually don’t even talk about
So something personal, today I went to give
blood and I had to do about 14 miles of blood that I had to give.
And I’m sitting there the person who is
drawing the blood is like, first of all, let me know that he’s going to put it.
He loved my veins.
He puts the needle in and looks me in the face and says, well, it’s going to be
about 14 cubes. And I said, that’s fine. So I’m sitting there enjoying it.
He says, do you know what day is today?
I said, no, it says, today is grouchy day.
It’s national grouchy day.
I didn’t even know that there is such a day.
So every feeling gets to have a day now.
And I hope you are feeling so much better than feeling grouchy.
And I thought, what is grouchy?
So I asked them and I said, why do you mention it?
And he says, because we’ve had a few of our
patients that came in and they were grouchy, especially drawing the blood.
And I’m like, no, I love my body.
She’s wonderful.
You can take care of it.
And that’s exactly how it was.
Actually, I was there for like 15 minutes ago.
You can’t even see the Mark.
There is no tension in my body.
First, I have no issues with needle.
But if you do, did you know that hypnosis can
be really powerful in getting you over the fear?
So let’s talk about this one behavior
feeling or habit that some people have.
It’s a brain glee to grouchy is like a feeling.
It’s a behavioral thing.
So I checked what is being grouchy?
Being grouchy.
First of all, why do we get grouchy?
Number one, slack of sleep.
If you haven’t had enough sleep throughout the
night, you may go through some sleep deprivation.
And sleep deprivation is one of the ways that
your brain doesn’t get enough rest and to
regulate your emotions, to regulate your body.
So you wake up or get up out of bed feeling grouchy.
And it’s not a mood.
It’s irritable.
That’s what grouchy means to me.
It’s like there is this irritability.
Like I didn’t have enough sleep.
So the solution takes some time to sleep,
even if it is to go to bed an hour before,
shut all my mechanism, technical stuff, your phone, your TV and everything.
Definitely do not listen to the 11 o’clock news before you go to bed.
The second thing that we get grouchy about
is where overwhelmed we feel a lot of stress.
And stress levels can be high and your body is going through this fight and flight.
And it creates more feeling overwhelmed.
You’re not able to catch up and you get grouchy.
So that irritability of feeling overwhelmed
and I don’t have enough time and a day to do
all the things that I’m supposed to do can
be irritating, leading to feeling grouchy.
So manager stress.
Yes, if you learn how to manage your stress, it becomes easier.
It’s so much easier.
Take a pause, take a moment,
breathe and then you continue on.
And that three minutes of giving yourself time
out to do some deep breathing and everything
can make a world of a difference in
your day and feeling more settled in. Okay.
One of the biggest reasons a
lot of people get grouchy, you
may be one of those that or
you can relate to this, is hunger. When
you are working, you’re going all day long
and you haven’t given yourself time to even have
snack or to drink something nourishing and your
body is feeling, you haven’t fed me and that
hunger or dehydration, even dehydration can do the same thing.
So what happens is your blood sugar drops and
you go into dehydration and affects your
mood and you become irritable and grouchy.
So when I say irritable, a part of that
is that IBS irritable bowel syndrome.
So your stomach starts churning where your
stomach is the core life cycle and it’s saying
you are not nurturing me.
And I’m putting my hand on my tummy as I
speak because this morning, since yesterday at
6 P.M., I fasted until I went to give blood.
I had not done. How are you?
So when I gave blood 14 vials, plus I had
to do mammogram, it was like I did it all in one day.
So that, this in itself does not stress me at all.
By doing all that, I felt my
body going through the depletion.
So what did I do?
I had a breakfast meeting.
The first thing I did, water with lemon, my
cup of tea, hot tea, and also
protein, which is eggs and avocado.
So I nourished my body with something so good that now my body feels good.
And that’s called nurturing the self instead of hydrating it, nurturing it.
So another thing that can also, how can I work good?
Another thing that it can affect is hormonal tendrils.
Truly hormonal changes can create this irritable
feeling and grouchiness in it, which is the hormonal
fluctuation, especially in women during menopause, during P.M.
And, or even sometimes pregnancy, this happens.
The mood changes and you want to isolate
yourself or the smallest little thing affect you.
I know they call it, oh, it’s that time of the month.
Yes, it is the time of the month.
And without you realizing mood swings
can come across irritable or grouchy.
Sometimes it is up to you.
You have full control how to manage it and other times it just happens.
So bear with it and have some
tools to change balance your diet.
You can do things that help you reduce your
stress and definitely self hypnosis can be one of them.
I also have an audio recording for those of you going through menopause.
And that internally, consciously and subconsciously,
the body starts working in order to boost
your immune system.
And also for those who are pregnant, it works
with your body and the baby and everything, changing your mood.
Also, another thing that really affects our mood is going through cancer treatments.
Can make you grouchy, of course, going
through treatments, radiation and everything.
There’s another thing that I’m going to say
most times it’s unresolved issues, emotional.
issues, unresolved things from way past,
suppressing feelings that you rather not deal with it.
And yet it stays there.
It’s like this computer thing, the programming that it’s in
the programming and it’s archived, but it has not been deleted.
So frustration, sadness, triggers, those are
all things that can resurface without you
realizing it.
And the next thing you know, you’ve got this,
you go into this grouchy, irritable mood without knowing.
Because if it is unresolved and it’s got this boring happening, you have no control,
it just keeps resurfacing.
So what do we do?
A good knowledge and express your emotions.
When you feel irritable, take three minutes and just acknowledge the same way as I
acknowledge my body and I said, you’re doing a great job.
It’s okay.
You’re wonderful.
And like, I just love it, right?
So when you feel something and you feel grouchiness
and someone is reacting to your actions,
that’s the time for you to take a moment of pause.
And even if it is not isolating yourself,
but taking one minute of me time, I’ve been.
talking about me time a lot.
So and that’s where we come.
Number six, environmental changes, things
that happen, of course, as always, they don’t happen to you. They happen for you.
But environmental changes like loud noises,
interruptions that when you are reading or
doing Facebook live or someone opens the door, they don’t know you’re in the middle
of something.
And if you’re at home without you knowing
someone opens the door and walks in either to your
bedroom or to your bathroom, it’s like it disrupts.
That disruption, the emotional disruption can
affect and it starts like a rippling effect,
and then you’re thinking up again, things that make you grouchy or irritable.
So what do we do?
Treat the underlying pain.
You may not know about it, but that’s the time to connect.
So all that is because what I just came and
started with, I can really be grouchy if there
is a physical discomfort or pain in your
body and I can’t get released from my pain.
That’s a physical.
Literally it’s not something emotional, it’s
not something mental, environmental or anything.
It’s something physically that you feel at that moment and can create irritability,
which is chronic pain and that travels all
over your body and no one can pinpoint, even doctors don’t know.
Another word for that can be psychosomatic, yet you feel it.
You feel it physically.
And it affects your daily functions
and can make you grouchy and irritable.
It can even be headaches.
By the way, for those who are going through,
if you or someone you know that it’s going
through extreme chronic headaches and migraine
headaches, I know of someone who’s got the
solutions for that and in one treatment it can go away. One treatment, that’s right.
And it is a professional, MD doctor and that has come up
with those tools that it’s like miraculous, but it’s a tool.
It’s a technique that you want to touch on
in migraine headaches of years and years can go away.
Another thing I learned by speaking to him
and learning because I love to learn why there
is causes, there is things that happen so I
can educate and share with you my community.
He said most times we get grouchy because
we’re not understanding where pain comes from,
And for those who are blind or practically
into the blindness, do not experience migraine
So the eyes of what we see, how we project
and this environmental effect and how we
see things about life and perceive things.
As a direct correlation to what happens in
our mind, in our brain and how we reflect the
back, which also can create grouchiness and irritability when we have headaches.
So you’re getting touched with me about that as well.
And I can literally say the last thing is
negative, negative thought patterns, negative
words, negative self talk, those are all what
you say, what you do, how you behave in life
and how others see you, especially when you
look in the mirror and the things that you say even silently, guess who hears it?
You do. You hear it first, right?
So you don’t even have to project it or express
it because automatically it’s right here.
What you say, you hear it first before anyone else.
As a matter of fact, that internal dialogue,
every cell, every molecule, every nerve, every
essence of you comes to learn it and hear it.
So I ask you to be kinder to yourself and
the kinder you are, the grateful you are,
the more loving you are, the less grouchiness
and irritability will live inside your body.
To sum it up, number
one, identify the
triggers, practice, mindfulness and breathing. And
you don’t even have to do this, you can do this.
And if you do that seven times, believe it
or not, it calms your body and relaxes you.
So reframing your thought process and being kinder,
prioritizing your self-care, giving yourself
that moment of me time, three
minutes time out when you feel irritable,
when you feel grouchy and
express and communicate your needs.
If you need something, instead of thinking, you
ought to know what I need, now, not everyone
can read your mind, not everyone’s mind.
So we expect people to know how we feel and you’re
something that is the same, enjoy it and then give it to me.
That means break it down, share with me, tell me, express your needs.
And there was nothing wrong.
It’s like, it’s okay to cry.
It’s okay to share what your needs are.
It’s not a weakness.
It’s self-love.
And I’m sure there’s more people who rather take care of you
than you think and stand by you, sit by you, even if in silence.
That’s what I do with my clients.
Sometimes they come here and they just need few moments before they start speaking.
You know that few moments, it’s finding
their own self-space in a place of safety.
That place of safety, if it is not within you
or the place that you are at, can also create
irritable, irritable discomfort, yes, irritability.
You may be grouchy without realizing it because you’re walking on eggshells.
Gratitude, practice, gratitude, be grateful to the roof over your head.
Hopefully you have it.
And that small little thing that you nurture
your body after me treating myself with eggs,
protein, avocado, and warm cup of coffee.
And I come here and I have my glass of water in my favorite glass.
See, I have the water bottle.
But to me, it’s drinking from this is not as
nourishing and loving and fun as if I were to drink from here.
So I pour that water in here and I drink it
here because to me, this is treating me much nicer and I love it.
It’s still small little things that you do for
yourself that makes a world of a difference.
All marks was not grouchy
and most comedians delve into
their pain to heal through comedy and laughter and sharing.
So from me to you, the way we evoke things
in life is to acknowledge it so that we can
embrace the reality right now in order for us to evolve.
And that’s my the Boubari-3E method.
That’s how I work.
So if there’s anyone I can be of assistance to if you know of someone that when they’re
feeling grouchy or irritable, raising glass,
so I kindness, give them something to put
a smile on them on their face and the same girls with you.
I hope today’s tools and techniques were
beneficial to you and I look forward to seeing.
you next week.
And until then, God bless you and may the universal might surround you always.
Hello, Bridget.
It’s so good to see you as well.
Bye bye. Thank you. Goodbye.
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