How Hypnotherapy Can Help ADHD Symptoms
ADHD, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is a condition that affects teens and adults, characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These symptoms can disrupt daily life, making it difficult to manage tasks, focus, and stay organized. ADHD not only impacts work and school performance but also strains personal relationships. Find out how hypnotherapy can help manage its symptoms.
What is ADHD?
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that hinders the brain’s ability to regulate attention and control impulses. While commonly associated with children, adults also experience symptoms that can affect daily functioning. ADHD varies; some individuals exhibit hyperactivity, while others struggle primarily with inattention—or a combination of both.
In our fast-paced, tech-driven world, many of us might occasionally feel distracted or restless. However, these occasional lapses don’t equate to ADHD, which involves chronic patterns of inattention or hyperactivity that significantly impact daily life.
Detecting ADHD: Symptoms to Watch For
ADHD symptoms often manifest in struggles with focus, time management, and impulsivity. Here are some common signs:
- Difficulty following through with tasks or instructions.
- Frequent disorganization and forgetfulness.
- Making impulsive decisions without considering the consequences.
- Restlessness and trouble sitting still (especially in younger individuals).
- Chronic lateness and difficulty managing time.
- Zoning out during conversations or poor listening skills.
If these symptoms persist and disrupt everyday life, it’s time to consider a professional evaluation.
Tips for Managing ADHD
Living with ADHD requires structure and mindfulness. Here are five practical tips:
- Create Structure: Develop routines and use planners to stay organized. Breaking tasks into smaller steps can prevent feeling overwhelmed.
- Mindful Breaks: Short, regular breaks with deep breathing or mindfulness exercises can help maintain focus.
- Set Reminders: Use alarms or apps to keep track of appointments, deadlines, and tasks.
- Limit Distractions: A distraction-free environment improves concentration, so designate a quiet workspace.
- Prioritize Self-Care: Regular exercise, good nutrition, and adequate sleep support cognitive function.
How Hypnotherapy Helps ADHD
Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can support individuals with ADHD. By guiding someone into a relaxed state, hypnosis taps into the subconscious mind to create lasting change. Here’s how it can help:
- Improve Focus: Hypnosis trains the brain to manage distractions and improve attention span.
- Reduce Impulsivity: Hypnotherapy helps reinforce calm, thoughtful responses instead of impulsive actions.
- Build Confidence: Emotional regulation and self-confidence can improve through hypnotherapy, helping manage frustration.
- Establish Positive Routines: Hypnosis can help create structured habits to boost productivity and lower stress.
For teens and adults struggling with ADHD, hypnotherapy offers an effective, supportive approach to regain control and maximize their potential. Alongside other therapies, hypnosis can make a lasting difference in managing symptoms.
Keywords: ADHD, hypnotherapy for ADHD, ADHD symptoms, managing ADHD, ADHD in teens, #ADHD, #hypnotherapy, #ADHDsymptoms, #managingADHD, #neurodevelopmentaldisorders
- Doe, John. The Benefits of Hypnosis for ADHD. HealTalk Institute, 2023.
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend the Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device for listening. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
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Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.
How Hypnotherapy Can Help ADHD Symptoms Video
Transcript of How Hypnotherapy Can Help ADHD Symptoms
Greetings, greetings, greetings, greetings,
and welcome to Heal Talk Tuesdays with Liza.
It’s so good to be here with you, isn’t it?
I hope you are doing amazing and life is treating you wonderfully.
I think that no matter where you are, everything starts with a gratitude.
I do this a gratitude walk every single morning,
but I ground myself with nature and if you
have seen my Facebook stories, you will see how
much I am connected with nature and everything.
So today’s life, we are going to dive into a
topic that actually is a part of celebrating
October, recognizing it’s an awareness for this topic also.
It’s ADHD, which is what is ADHD?
It’s an attention deficit, hyperactive disorder.
Frankly, nowadays, living in a city as busy as Los Angeles, California, everything that
is happening because everybody has got some kind of ADHD.
But outside of that, I want us to become just
a little bit more cognizant when we use it
in terms of a joke or if it is really a fact.
As always, when I talk to my clients or even
myself, when something happens, I ask myself, is this true?
It brings us to this moment of how I call it reality.
It’s becoming aware of a condition when we joke about a condition and the
person who is going through it, it’s not a joke or no.
So let’s chat about that and then I am open for any discussion.
If you have any thoughts, ideas, by all
means, communicate with me, send me a message and I always, always respond.
Actually, I like just connecting and having
a dialogue about that because a few days ago,
I put another post and the most professional
person that I admire sent me and responded
to that with more specific ways of, because that’s what she specializes in.
And this is what I am open about.
So ADHD is a condition that affects actually
a lot of people, teens, adults, and it is
characterized by attention, deficit, disorder,
and it’s having lack of attention, hyperactivity, or this impulsiveness.
It can be very disheartening and a lot of people are struggling with that.
But actually what it is, it’s a neural development
disorder that affects the brain’s ability
to regulate attention and it’s not something that
happens only in childhood, sometimes many adults
experience this and it can interfere or daily life.
Some who are suffering with ADHD may be affected
by hyperactivity in their brain and struggle with inattention or mix of both.
So as many go through ADHD as having the
inability to focus, being distracted and getting
angry, feeling restless, it is a clinical
condition with specific criteria and diagnosis
that you may need to go through a specialist.
So most of us go through the symptom of
forgetfulness and experiencing this distract, we
are distracted really fast and we have this
impulsiveness or fast pace as we call it, take a driven world.
The however certain lapses that happen in ADHD, it doesn’t mean that we have ADHD.
Because the key components of it is the
severity of it, it is the duration of it, how
long it lasts or how long you’ve had it, and
the impact that it has on your daily life.
So I’m going to share about a client of mine
in his 40s who came in feeling like he was
constantly dropping the ball at work and at home.
He was referred by another friend of his and
he, when he came in here, he described that
he couldn’t stay focused during meetings and he was forgetting important tasks and
he was feeling irritable at home when he got home.
Well he thought because someone said, “Hey, you may be suffering with ADHD and he came
in saying, is this stress that I’m going through
stress and panic and anxiety or is it really ADHD?”
I mentioned that if it is stress, let’s see how we can deal with this.
We’ll cope with the panic and anxiety of it and the stress factors.
And if he were to continue feeling the same irritability
and focus and everything, he needs to see a specialist.
So during our session, he uncovered that
his symptoms were more tied to the stress of
his demanding job and the pressure of being not
only the provider but going through a divorce.
And he was experiencing not only burnout at
work but feeling not good enough and the stress
that it’s happening and the stress and the anxiety of the divorce.
So he was restless, he was becoming forgettable,
irritable, during driving and didn’t have the core symptoms of ADHD.
Within four seconds, he felt calmer, he had more control, he understood that everything
that was happening in his life, they collated
and the effect was humans were not machines.
So understanding that and feeling calmer and
having this more control and learning how to
manage it, he started feeling so much better.
So the symptoms that he thought he had even the environmental
factors of poor sleep and irritability and the overload reduced.
You see, men go through stress as much as women do.
Unfortunately, they express it differently,
maybe, sorry to say this, but road rage, they
are more irritable and it just hits the boiling before they express it.
They think if they express emotions, it’s a sign of weakness until it gets to a point
of boiling or really anger comes off as an anger.
Whereas women, we express it, communicate, talk
to friends or talk in different ways and share
tension, anxiety, stress, anger in a more
subtle way and we find more ways to communicate.
And share our emotions that it’s happening more than men do.
So allow me to also say women can also have
hormonal changes happening with menopause that
significantly affect our focus, our mood and
yes, our cognitive function and often mimicking.
Symptoms of ADHD which going through menopause
is like that brain fog we have and forgetfulness
that happens and having the difficulty to concentrate.
Again, duration, sometimes we feel scattered,
you know, scattered rain but it’s not really
ADHD, it is because of our menopause, because
of our hormonal changes we are going through.
So these symptoms, once we did with another
client managing her stress, understanding yes,
you are 54 years old, you are hitting that
menopause effect and if you can calm your mind
and have this natural transitions and just like waves in the ocean, understanding it
it comes and it goes, you are going through the
heat and having menopausal effects and mood.
Changes, feeling irritable, it goes through it.
So yes, menopause can last for many years, it also goes up and down, I’ve talked about
menopause and it’s not something that you
can treat it with a pill even though many go
through and doctors sometimes misdiagnose the menopausal effect and call it ADHD.
So it’s understanding yourself, your body, what
you are going through not only in your body,
in your environment, at home, at work, everything
has an effect, stress, money, finances,
divorce, everything effects, your energy effects, your body, your feelings.
I mean, literally, someone having lack of sex
drive thinking there is something wrong with
me, no, it is not something wrong with you, stop labeling yourself, but find out what
is going on with you.
So let’s detect few symptoms of real ADHD
which is trouble focusing on tasks following.
Through with instructions.
This organization is the frequent forgetfulness,
feeling restless all the time or the difficulty
stains still and it’s very much common in
teams and younger adults, chronic lateness
and understanding that what we call this
difficulty managing time, it’s quite significant,
you’re always trying to, you’re always late
and the way I say it, what are you late for?
Are you always late? Because when you say always that means from
day one that I remember I’ve been like this,
that’s different than when you say, no, I’ve
been late only for the last seven months,
when we do a timeline, understanding what’s
been happening in your life for the last eight
months, nine months and there is a cause and
a fact, so poor listening skills, you know,
communication is one of the biggest things
and when someone is speaking and you jump in.
There or you’re not giving someone permission
to speak their thoughts, their mind and you
jump in there and you need to say what you
have in mind before you forget and it becomes
unimportant what they have to say but yours is
more important not because it is more important
is because you fear that if you don’t share it at that moment, you’re going to forget.
And it becomes disrespectful in a sense, in a
scenario of miscommunication happens when they
feel you don’t want to hear them and they
feel put off and yet that’s not your intention
but you didn’t want to forget what you have
so it becomes, my thoughts were more important
not necessarily, I want to disrespect you so
create here’s how you can resolve this, understand
what other people go through and how they
receive it, create structure, you can develop
a daily routine, use a planner, calendars and
breaking certain tasks into smaller manageable.
Ways have a mindful breaks and what does that mean?
It’s like short regular breaks that you do me time, right?
So you can refresh your focus and become more
focused on this task, I talk about embracing
what is which is right here the reality, don’t
go into the next task or jump into the next
problem without solving this one because if you do this loop, it’s going to boomerang
and come back over here where it’s going to
take you longer to solve this one if this is not already taking care of.
Set reminders, I know so many have a phone
that you can set reminders to give you a break,
give you a reminder of appointments or a
reminder of deadlines and special tasks, even
birthdays that you have to remember and in verse
3 don’t go home not remembering your anniversary, right?
Sometimes a single Rose can’t speak volumes of
how important you are to me then going in at the
last moment running into a place and getting
something that it’s not what they want, the
difference between a gift and a present, a gift, I just want to put this in, a gift is
I gift you with what you want, a present is I’m presenting you with what I want, always
remember that for birthdays and anniversaries.
The another tool that you can have is set limiting limit your distractions, designate
a distraction free work environment, so
phones, doorbells, dogs barking that there is
no distraction when you have to complete a work specially kids.
I know some children say I can function, I can do my homework much better when I am at
a coffee shop with all the noise and everything
or some say I can do it better with music.
If it is classical there are tones and notes
of classical music that truly work with our
energy and the impact that it has on our psyche which some notes are also with the
heart beat and those are all parts of classical
notes and everything that’s why it’s a
healing, they play it in places for Serenity,
spa music, classical music, even at surgery
rooms, so it is the vibration of the tones that also relax you.
Just lastly of course, prioritize self-care,
exercise, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, duration
of sleep, go to bed half an hour earlier, one hour earlier, give yourself that and of
course nourishment, high rating, a glass of happy glass and water and those are the
things, walking on a beautiful path every single
morning, seeing the blue skies and the birds,
I do this every single day, so take time for yourself and realize when someone comes
to me for stress, anxiety, attention deficit,
focusing attention, remember that hypnosis
we tap into the subconscious mind and those
labels that you place upon yourself, the negative
labels, I can’t do this, I’m not good
enough, I don’t know how to manage my anger,
I am an angry, those are all they all have
an underlying cause that it’s affecting you.
In this way, so through hypnosis we can tackle,
we can tap into the subconscious and give
you a sense of calmness, training your brain
to manage all these distractions and reducing
this impulsive actions and reactions that you
have, triggers and remembering sometimes triggers
that used to push the button, you put them out
of order and definitely when you feel confident
about yourself and recognize what’s happening
in your body, if it is menopause, yes,
that’s what’s happening, now I know that I
can manage it, now I know how to manage this,
feel calm and if it is hormonal imbalance, go
to a specialist that specializes in that and
tracks my blood work, my hormones and everything,
what do I have to do that, so my brain
fogs goes away, everything has a solution and
you know what, the solution is truly within
you and yes, of course everything that we do, everything that I can’t and talk about,
it’s not only about the good things, about happy
things because in order for us to be happy,
once we have solutions, it’s like freedom, it’s
the freedom to know I can, it’s the knowledge,
and we have the solutions when we are in the
knowing, we can handle just about anything,
here comes from the unknown, really that’s what
fear is, if I’m afraid of things that I don’t
know how to handle, how to manage, once I
am in the knowing, once there are solutions,
once I uncover what’s stressing me, what’s angering me, what I have been holding on
resentment or how I can focus better than
there is no fear, I can do this, I can do this,
so thank you for being here, watching my
episode on ADHD and managing yourself better and
realize that in life to heal anything it starts from with it.
If you haven’t done it already, please
subscribe, share your thoughts, share your ideas,
and let me know what it is that you would like
me to talk about, by all means, if I don’t know
it, I’ll bring a specialist for you and that’s what real talks are all about.
So subscribe to my YouTube, help me grow and share this message with others.
If you want to connect with me, go to and let’s get on a complimentary
call, that’s all it takes.
And if this message resonates with you by
all means or if you know someone who’s going
through this and they might benefit with it, please share.
Until next week, I bid you goodbye.
Oh, bye, do I?
I’m a dog lover.
Today is all about dogs, share a message about your dogs and it’s about colors.
So let’s do this.
I thank you for all that and God bless you. May
the universal light surround you always. Bye bye.
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