The Weight of Secrets
We don’t usually think about secrets having weight. In reality, the weight of secrets you are carrying around with you can be profound.
We all carry secrets, from childhood promises to deep personal truths we keep hidden. As a clinical hypnotherapist, I’ve seen firsthand how these secrets can weigh us down, not just emotionally, but physically as well. The recent 4th of July weekend was a reminder of this, as clients came to me seeking to shed physical weight for the summer, only to uncover the emotional weight of their secrets.
Where are Secrets Stored
Secrets can stir up feelings of shame and guilt, creating a heavy burden that manifests physically. Our subconscious mind stores these secrets, leading to stress and the release of cortisol, the hormone associated with increased appetite and fat storage. This cycle can create a coping mechanism where even minimal eating results in weight gain, as the body tries to protect itself.
Consider the promises we made as children, like a pinky swear to always be friends. As we grow older, these promises become secrets that we keep, often leading to emotional turmoil. Holding onto these secrets can affect our mental health, blood pressure, and overall stress levels, impacting our relationships and daily lives.
I’ve worked with clients who were holding onto secrets for others, adding to their own emotional burden. Realizing and releasing these secrets can be incredibly liberating. For example, I once held onto a secret for years, only to find out my mother already knew. Sharing it brought us closer and freed me from the weight I didn’t realize I was carrying.
Hypnosis to Let Go of Secrets that Weigh you Down
Hypnosis offers a profound state of relaxation, allowing us to express and release suppressed emotions. By letting go of these secrets, we can achieve inner peace and shed both emotional and physical weight. It’s essential to acknowledge and address these hidden burdens, understanding that our body and mind are always working to protect us.
Take a moment to reflect on the secrets you’re holding. Write them down, share them with someone you trust, or simply let them go. Releasing these secrets is not just about unburdening your mind, but also about taking care of your overall health. Remember, being selfish means taking care of yourself first, so you can be there for others.
Start today. Shed the weight of your secrets, and embrace the peace and clarity that comes with being true to yourself.
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend the Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device for listening. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
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Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.
The Weight of Secrets Video
Transcript of the Weight of Secrets
Greetings Greetings Greetings and welcome to Heal Talk Tuesday.
The podcast where we dive into the heart of what really matters and how to heal within
and live fully.
I’m Liza, your host.
In today’s episode is all about what ways on us, especially secrets.
So I hope you had an amazing weekend celebrating
4th of July and going out and about or
doing the things you wanted to do with family and kids.
It’s been scorching hides and I had two people
who came in as clients and both of them were
all about wage, wanting to drop the wage for the summer and everything.
And amazingly, both clients, if
you didn’t know, something came up.
It was all these secrets.
It’s that we hold onto and I thought why not have a talk about that today?
Because as you know, as a clinical hypnotherapist, I work
with emotional and mental weight how to release that.
So it’s not always about the food we eat.
It’s not about the exercises, but what it is that we hold onto.
So everyone has got secrets.
So starting with promises that we make with a small little pinky as kids, I promise to
always be your friend, we are besties from the time that we are kid.
And as we get older, there are times that we
need to keep others in the dark as we call
it, secrets, stir up feelings and stir up feelings of shame and guilt.
Guess what?
Holding onto secrets can be a heavy burden.
It is heavy and leads to emotional weight
without realizing your mind can manifest this
heaviness, this burden onto your physical body.
So you get to carry this, dragging it for
days, months and years without realizing it.
Because the subconscious mind is amazing, it
holds onto things and it stores it and literally
puts a lid on it until you get to a place
that you want to move forward in life.
And realize that you are dragging.
So this constant pressure to maintain a secrecy,
can trigger your body’s stress response,
it boosts stress hormones without you knowing
it and leading to releasing cortisol, which
is the hormone associated with
increased appetite and storing fat.
Over time, the cycle of stress causes you
to create a coping mechanism and that coping
mechanism for some of them is like even they
eat very little, but the body is producing
this hormones and is creating it only to protect.
It’s everything that we do, the body does for
you again, it’s for you, it’s always there
to protect and shield you and without realizing
that what a burden, shame, guilt and even
trauma can be heavy.
So let’s talk about that.
If you were to sit back just for a moment
and ponder upon the things that has happened
in your life and it’s not trauma, some people
say I have trauma, I can’t get over the
trauma and just like a happy
times, trauma is also an experience.
Because when you’re having a happy time and experiencing
joy and good times, I want you to understand
that traumatic things that happen to you were also experiences.
But holding on to that secret and not
expressing it, it’s also suppressing it, right?
So secrets, emotional, mental,
physical, they are all there to protect.
It also has a spiritual impact that
has been very well documented.
Research has it that things that you hold on
to, years later comes to surface and how you
cope with it is up to you.
So it boosts not only the hormones, it affects
your blood pressure, it contributes to your
mental health and how you cope with everyday
life, either in a relationship or even at work or your children.
So by working with those two clients and
realizing the secret was not necessarily theirs,
but they were holding on to the secret for someone else.
Now that’s added baggage and I don’t know
why both this month was exactly for that and
recognizing, oh my God, it’s not even mine and I am holding on to it.
So releasing those secrets can be liberating,
it can be a profound impact on your mental and
also physical, especially your spiritual by releasing it.
So when you look around and see what are the
things that you’re holding on to and recognizing
that hypnosis, when you go into hypnosis,
although you’re not asleep, you’re in a very.
deep profound state of relaxation.
When you come to express, release the things
that you have suppressed, you realize the deep.
secrets that you have been holding on to by
releasing that emotional weight associated with
those secrets can be liberating and more peaceful for you.
Most of the clients that they come to me when I ask them, what is it that you want?
As they say, I want peace, I want Serenity,
I want to drop this weight and feel better.
And by peeling away, I like to call it peeling
away, dropping the weight, you get to realize.
you let go of so many other things.
It’s not only the secrets you’re holding on to, but the weight on your body.
So there are secrets
that it even are.
I know I held on to a secret from long time ago and I didn’t realize it was a secret.
And when I was talking to my mom just last month
and I mentioned it as that mom, I want to share a secret.
I haven’t shared with you because I had
shared it with a friend, but not with my mom.
And the moment I revealed it, she sat back,
she smiled and she said, “Liza, I’m your mom.
I’ve known about this all along.”.
And why?
All these years for some century I’ve been holding
on to the secret and not revealing it to you,
thinking you wouldn’t understand.
And she said, “I was waiting to see when you would share it with me.”.
So here’s my question to you.
What is it that you have been holding on to that you think your loved ones will not
understand or they will judge you, criticize you, belittle you.
And if they do after you share it with them, then you get
to really know where you stand because I bet you anything.
The ones who really love you, the one who really has the best interest for you,
is never ever going to judge you and they will hold space for you.
Just the same way as when I started the session
with my client and I was holding space and listening and would genuinely care.
You know what they said?
I love speaking to you.
I love coming over here because there is absolutely no judgment.
First of all, the work that I do is holding
space and holding a safe space for my client.
Who am I to judge you because we all have our
own misgivings, we all have our own secrets,
we all have some kind of a weight or some kind
of a secret we’re holding on to because no one in
this world is perfect. Even the person you
think is perfect has their own imperfections.
And that’s it. Being genuine of who we are
authentically is coming out and saying, “You know what?
This is who I am simply and there is
nothing about me, you and anyone else.”.
I have my own weight that I carry, my own secrets that I carry and right now,
correctly, I think I have released most of my
secrets because there is not much that I am holding
onto my body. I’ve heard about being a smoker since
I was 12 years old and how I let go of smoking
and sometimes when I get emotional and I am with
a friend that if I sit I will have a cigarette,
what them I will cough, my body will go into
rejection, I will, my throat will scratch for a day
or two reminding me why I stop smoking. And those are
secrets that once it’s revealed, once it’s expressed,
just like the secret that I thought I was
holding on for so long with my mom and come.
Oh and behold, she already knew about it and we
left and left for about five minutes I was laughing
and I was shaking my head and genuinely I
went and hugged her and I said, “Thank you.”
And she said, “You’re welcome.” But it was no secret.
So I want you to think and just do a self-check with yourself.
If there is a guilty feeling that you are holding
onto, if there is a secret, your own secret or
someone else’s, it’s not yours. You can write it, burn
it, let it go. Or just if they are not in your life,
it’s not a secret anymore, just release it. Same get to whatever and let that go.
Someone else’s weight, someone else’s burden,
someone else’s guilty feelings that they
placed upon you and your shoulders for you to hold onto is no longer yours.
So you can just release that as well. I hope
this makes sense and you realize those are
the steps first acknowledging that you are holding
onto something that if it’s not the eating,
if it’s not the exercising and you’re still
doing the yo-yo, that’s the perfect way that,
by the way, through hypnosis therapy, you get to
understand it and evoking it which is acknowledging it.
Come to embrace who you are with all your
secrets and everything so that when you want to
involve you release this. That’s my program,
that’s exactly what I do and I want you to know.
your beautiful just as you are. You matter as
much as the person that you promised to hold onto
their secret and sometimes if they are growing up,
you must give their secret back to them and say,
it’s not mine to carry or you just say, I lock that
and I release it into the cloud, into the world.
and so that I can start taking care of myself.
Remember, being selfish does not mean you are
self-centered, that you are not compassionate,
that you are not caring. Selfish, the word means
belonging to myself, taking care of myself and
acknowledging myself and then the self is I.
So in life, I am and I matter and then my
family might love the ones taking care of you,
putting yourself. Number one, as much as your
number one, loved ones. So with that, I hope you
shed some errors here. You want to have that body
image. You want to boost your confidence. You want
to release starting today because today is the
day that you make the choice. Again, I’m Liza
Boubari. Today’s Heal Talk was release, let go of
the things you have kept secret. Let the secret
out so that you can have your own inner peace and
declutter either physically, mentally or emotionally.
I look forward to seeing you by all means. Please
subscribe. Go to our YouTube. I have so many videos
you can watch and I look forward to thank you very
much for all the information and inspirations that
you give me and you want me to talk about. So
let’s shed the weight together, release it. And
those of you who said, “Liza, I am sorry you are under
a lot of stress.” No, that was my blog. You can go to
my blog and check out my blog, share it, share
this video, share the blog and always, as always,
Liza, Boubari, I’m always here for you.
is my website and if you want to schedule a
session or know someone who needs my assistance, guidance, help by all means,
get in touch. And thank you for all the referrals
because without you, I would not be here.
So until next week, God bless you and may the
universal light surround you always. Bye bye.
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