Unlock Lasting Change by Embracing Your Ideal Self
Explore how transformation, much like dressing up for Halloween or embodying a character as actors and comedians do, can be a powerful way to foster personal growth. By adopting new behaviors or personas intentionally, we can shift our mindset and align with the best version of ourselves. Just as we commit to a costume or role, we can choose a habit or identity that resonates with our goals—whether it’s confidence, health, or happiness. Through repeated actions and embracing the qualities we wish to see in ourselves, we can unlock inner harmony, purpose, and transformation.
Have you ever noticed how actors fully embrace their characters or how Halloween lets people step into entirely different personas? This phenomenon isn’t limited to the stage or costumes; it’s a valuable tool for real-life transformation. Embracing a new self, or the “ideal self” you envision, can open doors to profound, lasting change in your life.
The transformation begins well before the final moment on stage or at a Halloween party. Much like the preparation for a costume, personal change starts with intent and small, deliberate actions. If you aim to embody confidence, health, or happiness, think of it as stepping into a character you create. Picture yourself as that confident person, or healthier self, and start acting like it in small, meaningful ways. Just as an actor rehearses, repeat the habits that align with your vision. Choose healthy activities, visit inspiring places, or adopt positive gestures that make you feel empowered.
Transformation is a journey, a practice. It’s about more than affirmations—it’s about embodying the new persona, much like the actors we admire. For lasting change, you don’t need a grand gesture. Begin today with a single step: imagine, act, repeat. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and welcome this new self into your daily routine. Each breath is a reminder of your vitality, your potential, and the choice to become the best version of yourself.
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend the Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device for listening. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
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Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.
Unlocking Lasting Change Video
Transcript of Unlock Lasting Change
Greetings Greetings Greetings and welcome to Heal Talk Tuesday.
This is so good to be here with you, isn’t it?
Well guess what? It’s almost end of October and here in California we are getting to
feel the season change, the colors change and
I know people in Bikes to have already been
feeling good with the fall and the trees and you
know the colors changing to the yellow and orange
and red and it’s my favorite favorite season.
Not because it is about the season it’s because
the holidays are coming and it’s like another
phase of transformation. So welcome to Heal Talk
Tuesday’s, I am Liza and if you don’t know me
by now, by trade I’m a clinical hypnotherapist,
stress management consultant and the intention
of coming live for the past, almost six years,
next month I will be celebrating six years of coming
live right here on Facebook and I’ve only missed
five weeks. So today I want to dive right in and
talk about transformation, not only of seasons
and colors and trees and the beauty of everything
but this idea that got inspired because of Halloween
and the work that I do everything is about
transformation right? So this idea of transforming
and who we become during Halloween. So many of my
friends love to dress up and go to parties and
by Halloween the whole world changes for them.
And the difference between Halloween, comedy,
transformation and who we are. Where transformation
really takes a center stage because from the moment
you are invited to a party or know that Halloween
is coming and if you have kids you’re going to go
trick or treating and go out walking. It starts
months before of the costume you’re supposed to wear,
the ordering of the costume, making the costume and
it’s so much about I want you to think about it.
The whole process of changing a persona right?
Changing this persona. Have you ever noticed
how comedians and actors they slip into
this persona or personality, this character,
for the duration of when they’re up on stage
or they take this role for however long it is,
it could be like a series and every single day they
become this personality and while they’re filming,
they become this personality and so many of us get
to know actors by the name that they are portrayed
on that TV show right? Like so many people don’t
even know the real name of the characters but they
know the character name. And I mean it’s like Al
Pacino, he was Godfather, so many knew of him as
the Godfather until he played the movie that he
was blind and that one scene when he’s having that
tangle moment and you think of that. Tom Cruise, it’s
like or what that scene it says, “Show me the money”
or “You had me at the first note of a first word”
or “You know so many of this things we remember.
And it’s not cliche but we remember trigger words,
personalities and everything. Why? Because when
that transformation happens or a comedian that
comes up on stage and I’m not talking the ones that
come up on stage and they’re not really, they’re
funny, they’re comedians in a different world,
in a different way but they’re not comedians
like Charlie Chaplin that they take on that
persona and that’s who they become but they’re
making fun of others. So there’s funny and there is
one that it’s on on stage and you like them
because of what they say but a true comedian.
It’s like changing the whole persona and personality.
Now why am I talking about this? I’m sure you’re
going to be questioning because for a brief moment
I want you to realize it’s not only for a brief
moment but they practice and practice and practice
and they embedded that personality, the tonality,
the looks, the gestures and everything like the Joker
and they become it. So they embody it just like.
Going to a Halloween party when you dress up,
you even sound like it, you act like it, you
walk like it, right? So you even take on the
quirks and the persona. Now what if I were to say.
Imagine a version of yourself that you want to
change, a habit, a behavior that you want to change.
And it’s not necessarily because of what’s
happening outside but what it is that you want.
within you. If you have the habit that you want
to change a habit, if you have a behavior that you
no longer want or you have a behavior that you
have seen and you go, “I wish I was more like,”.
What if you start just for a few moments, take on
that persona, turn it into a few hours and you step
into it? If it is a luxurious way you want to be,
start going, finding luxurious places, just go visit,
you can go on any site, any hotel, any
adventure, even if it is for a few hours just.
Be there. So in any way what I’m saying is what if
you want to become confidence and you want to become
healthier, you look at a personality, a celebrity,
a persona and you say if you ever wanted to have
a body like that and be like that and you start
becoming it. You take on that costume and you start
wearing becoming more confident, healthier, doing
things that it’s healthier and start adjusting,
become your own actor as if you hired yourself
and step into it, trying this new self.
When I call it and start the thought process
thinking like that, behaving like that. So a part of
what I am talking about is making a change starts
with you. Don’t expect the leaves turn and they
fall and you say great but that has nothing to
do with me. But if you start walking in there.
And you hear the leaves beneath your feet crunch
and you go this is so wonderful. It’s like.
I am in a cold place, in a shallow outside. So you
take on that whole being because if you want to
become a non-smoker you can do so. You can do so
for you can start with saying okay for the next few
hours I’m not going to smoke. For the next few days I
choose to be a non-smoker and take this personality.
Of a non-smoker. Take this personality that
today I’m going to go walking for three days and
the three days becomes a week, a week becomes a
month and just as if you hired hired yourself.
For a movie production, a role that you are taking
on. So one thought, one habit becomes one behavior
and when you repeat this behavior as I say when
you do something over and over and over and over
and it’s not about the affirmations but
stepping into it. This weekend I had the humble
opportunity and the honor of presenting in front
of a group of medical doctors and I am truly
grateful for having the opportunity to step in and
be a presenter at the Armenian Medical Society,
which is a group that is highly regarded by the
elite in the medical world and in the society of
the best of the best who are there. So one of
the things that I presented was EFT which is the
emotional freedom technique which is being free of
the pain, being free of the habits and everything
and that was by tapping and I know I’ve talked
about tapping before but it’s really taking on
and realizing that EFT motion which is the feeling
plus the motion which is the doing which is the
acting taking on that persona. You can actually it
can be amazing that you will see how the changes
happen because every cell in your body starts
incorporating that message, the thought, the feelings.
And then soon saying, “Oh I like this, it’s different,
I have to adjust to it” and maybe that’s what
pain is, it’s saying, “Hey, you know, I don’t know if
I like this or pay attention to me” and until it gets
to adjusted to that way of being. Here’s the thing,
you can choose to do last today, you can step into
a any role, any personality, any habit, any behavior
you want and just for today, do it just for today,
just for now, that’s it. You can really shift
by stepping into it because the beginning, the whole story starts with one sentence,
right? You start typing with that one sentence,
so close your eyes to this for a moment, nice deep
breath and as you breathe in, realize that every
essence of the breath that comes in through your
nostrils, that goes into the back of your throat and
comes all the way down. When you swallow your saliva,
you’re bringing that oxygen vitality inside your
body. You are saying every breath that comes
into my body is one breath of living, breathing,
being. My intention is for you to stop existing and living the way you want to.
So when I have a client right here, I say, “What do you want?” And when they start by,
I don’t want this and I say, “It’s not what interests
me, what you don’t want, but what is it that you.
Want.” Because bottom line, you want to be happy, you want joy, you want inner peace,
and you want Harmony within you. And lastly, it’s love and acceptance.
It’s the kindness, it’s joy, it’s peace, it’s
love that we want. And every habit that we have
is we think either good or bad, peel away the
labels. You want inner Harmony, safety, peace,
and love. So if that’s a habit or a persona that
you want, find what suits you best and start today.
So each and every breath that you breathe brings vitality and oxygen into your body.
And your body thinks you. As a matter of fact, this
Saturday, I am having a workshop. I already have.
Few slots taken. We’ve got five more spots open and
it’s listened to your body tongue, so we lay down
and we play this beautiful harmonious music in
the background and you come to this place of
inner Harmony with your body, calmness, clarity and
tune in with yourself. And by the time you leave,
you will realize that you build a stronger
connection with yourself and you leave refreshed,
relaxed and more joyous. So let’s begin this transformation,
making your Halloween costumes absolutely amazing.
And imagine this persona, a personality that you
want to embody bigger than life and let’s
start working together and stepping into it.
A part of hypnosis and hypnotherapy is helping you
transform to what it is that you want to be, to feel,
live with. I surround myself with all the
things that I love. You know, I love scarves,
I have so many scarves, my tulips, my favorite
tulips. And yes, every time I take the colors that I
want, I love tulips. And even the scarf, this is
a scarf that the words are by me and it was in.
Collaboration with a very good friend of mine and
it up news. We did this together over 10 years
ago creating this beautiful silk chiffon scarf.
And in here, I’m going to read what it says
it says in the midst of darkness, find your inner
light because you matter and our eyes are not only
to see but to project what we witness, you matter.
And it is this beautiful picture of this woman.
That it’s in the darkness and yes, surrounded
with all the light and everything. And I did this
because I work with not only my specialty is woman’s
wellness and yet I see so many men who come to me
with anxiety and stress and insomnia and wanting
to stop smoking and everything. But domestic
abuse is one of the things that I also work with
and this was created with that same intention that.
Sometimes we don’t see what’s outside beyond until
we get to see within. We only see the things that we
believe it’s real, but is it true. So and when I
created this, it was when I wear it, if I see someone.
Who is in the darkness and I want to see the light,
I used to take it and give it to them, put it
around their neck and say it’s about time for you
to see the light with sin you and believe in you.
We all matter as human beings, we matter. And as Wayne Dyer used to say,
we are not human beings having a temporary spiritual
moment, but we are this spiritual entities.
Living in a humanly body. I think that speaks
volumes of what transformation really is.
So if this message resonated with you and you want to join our workshop by all means,
let me know, give me a message. I’m going to post
right here about the workshop. It will be posted
right under this talk. Subscribe to my YouTube and
let me know if there was a topic you would like
me to talk about information, inspiration. You can
even join my daily gratitude group. It’s a private
group of daily affirmations and inspirations
and I would love to be here to guide you,
transform for just today, a week, a month, years
to come. Until next week, God bless you and
may the Universal Light surround you always. Bye bye.
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Heal Talk with Liza TV – if you would like to be a guest or sponsor the show, please visit https://liza.tv.
Missed some episodes? They are on my YouTube channel.
Do you know of someone who’s ready to change a habit or needs to heal within? contact me at: info@healwithin.com
I’m here for you.